a safe space JUST FOR YOU
Yoga Bala is the Premier Yoga Studio of Port Orange Florida. Now open 10+ Years. We serve our community with Traditional Yoga for Modern Times. Stop in for a full Yoga Experience. We will be proud to welcome you into our Yoga Family. Our studio is not heated artificially, rather with the internal heat of the students. We maintain an ambient feel in our space with soft music for less distraction and a quiet mind.
Karrie AuBuchon is Traditionally trained in the Ashtanga Yoga Method. She has studied with Shri K Pattabhi Jois in Mysore India, T.K.V Desikachar , Tim Miller, Noah Williams and many beloved teachers. All of the YB Teachers are here to guide you safely past your self imposed limitations. We hope to encourage & Inspire our students to be healthy inside and out. We teach with strong hands & loving hearts.